Saturday 18 May 2013

Yellow nails?

Are you using old nail polish or using nail polish very oftentimes?  Your nails can become yellow for many reasons whatsoever are the reasons. you can treat them by dipping your nails in white vinegar or lemon juice for about 10 minutes. You will see that the juice will look dirty when you will remove your nails. 

How to make your complexion even?

Take a lemon. cut it into half, dip one side in sugar. Massage sugar coated lemon on your face, neck, hand and foot. 
Note: If you are allergic to citric acid don't use this technique

Chocolate mask for skin

Take one tablespoon of Cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Mix it real well. Put in fridge for few minutes. apply it on your skin and leave it for about 25 minutes. After 25 minutes wash it with lukewarm water.

natural makeup remover

If you have applied heavy makeup don't use artificial packed with chemical makeup remover. Instead go natural and pour some olive oil on cotton or wiping pad and remove your makeup. It will not only remove makeup but will nourish your skin and eyes.

best natural cleanser

When you wake up in the morning, deeply cleanse your face with oatmeal. you can let the oatmeal sit on your face for 10 minutes or instantly wash your face. You will notice that your skin feels refreshed and soft after washing it with oatmeal.

Exfoliation scrub

This easy scrub should be used once in a week. it can be used as a body or face scrub. You just have to make green tea, drink green tea and use the grounded green tea. In green tea add a teaspoon of honey and if you want to remove scars on your skin you can also add rice flour in it.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Love for skin and hairs

For soft and supple skin don't buy expensive products from market. Instead, Apply plain yogurt on your face and wait for 20 mins. Wash face with lukewarm water after 20 mins. For shiny and soft hair apply yogurt in roots and end of your hair. If desired wash your hairs with shampoo.